3.62 cubic meters.
650,000 cubic meters is the same as 650,000 meters cubed.
1 liter = 1 decimeter31 meter3= 1000 liters15 m3 = 15000 liters
10 cm cubed to make a litre.
1 foot cubed is equal to approximately 0.0283 meters cubed. Therefore, 2 feet cubed is approximately equal to 0.0566 meters cubed.
2.5 million
A cubic meter is precisely a 1000 liters, or a kilolitre. Kilo means thousand; a liter is the same as a cubic decimeter.
1000 ccs = 1 liter
One centimeter cubed is equal to 0.000001 cubic meters.
The metric measurement used to measure volume is the liter (L).
1 liter per second is equal to 3.6 cubic meters per hour.