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i shocked my pool several times and it is still green. come to find out that the leaves that had been falling in my pool were eating up the the chlorine level. do you have leaves falling or that are sitting on the bottom of your pool?

Ans:: Clean filter. Extend filter run time to 24/7. Test the water for chlor. Add chlor, wait 10 to 15 min. test again. If no reading ~ you did not add enough chlor. Repeat until you reach at least 5.0 ppm. Brush with a nylon pool brush. Clean filter. Resume filter ops. to 6 to 8 hrs. or more if water keeps getting cloudy. You may have to add chlor daily if you have no conditioner in the water.


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17y ago
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18y ago

You could try taking out water and replacing it little at a time. Do not drain the whole pool it could damage the outer walls. Try a sump and then replace the water at the same time with good clean fresh water, it might take a while but eventually the algae will have to move on...Also are you sure its living algae and not dead because it could be just stains from the old stuff. Improved answer to the first question. Living Alagae or dead algae stains you still have to resolve the first problem and more clarification will be needed about the pool surface to resolve dead algae stains. Sell the house! Well it is not that bad really. If you have only shocked the pool and done nothing else and it is not showing any improvement then the pool needs more that a shock. I would recommend taking your water to a swimming pool retail store that does free water analysis. Check with your friends and neighbors and see whom they like to use. Here are the possibilities. Fist the water chemistry is just way out of wack. If the pH level is to high the chlorine will not do you any good. I don't care how much chlorine you use nothing will happen the pool will stay green. If the calcium hardness is too low (below 100 ppm) the pool will stay green no mater how many times you shock it. So these balances need to be check and dosages recommended by a professional. Phosphates could also be the problem if they are 150ppb or above. Second if the water is perfectly balanced and the pool is still green you have a filtration problem. The filter media (sand, cartridge or Grids) could be the issue or the multiport valve (if you have one) could be an issue. Again with equipment problems consult your favorite local pool dealer. If want more help here please be more specific about your equipment and I will be happy to help. I hope you get to enjoy your pool soon! The Guru of Pools at Discount Pool

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15y ago

How much is a lot? We had put about 30 pounds of shock and were getting nowhere. We added algaecide with copper (HAS to have the copper). Let that run for several hours then added 5 pounds of shock. We let that run for several hours, added another five pounds of shock. By that time we were finally getting a chlorine reading. The next morning we added another five pounds of shock and finally got a "white" pool. Then we had to put in flock out to drop the stuff to the bottom. After all that we had to vacuum to waste to get rid of that much stuff. Pretty tough and expensive task. We are adding a salt chlorinator next weekend.

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15y ago

you need to shock your pool with an extra dose of chlorine, but remember not to use the pool for at least 48 hours after doing so. This is the best treatment to remove the green algae, then after killing it off by doing this you will need to give weekly algaeside to stop it from coming back.

I hope this helps, all the best, Mandy.

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13y ago

If you go to the pool store they sell a chemical called pool shocker. This shocks your pool water back to its normal color.

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