It's actually Linear metre. It simply means a metre long, as opposed to a cubic metre or a square metre. Volume calculations can therefore only be made only if the width and thickness are also known. Cheers.
Minor Amendment
Linear and Lineal are both correct terms.
A lineal metre, is the same as a metre and that is a length of 100 centimetres.
Lineal simply means along a line, so a linear metre is a metre.
A linear (lineal) metre is the same thing as a metre. I think it's a dumbed down term for a metre so people won't get confused with metre, square metre and cubic metre.
one meter. lineal refers to length
A lineal metre or linear metre is the same as ametre. So the answer is 16.9 metres.
1 metre = 3.2808 feet.
It is a measure of distance equivalent to 0.01 metre.
Lineal metres = Square metre/Width of the carpet.
The basic premise of your question is false. A lineal (or linear) metre of household tiles will NOT be more expensive than a square metre - unless they are gigantic tiles!
There is no such thing as a linear square metre. A linear metre is a unit of length, while a square metre is a unit of area.
The meter is a linear unit of meassurement, so basically you are talking about the same thing.
None. A lineal metre is a measure of distance while a square metre is a measure of area. The two measure different things and it makes no sense to try to convert from one to the other.