Usually saltwater.
It depends on what kind of water, because there is gallons, quarts, and more...
That depends on what kind of substance is in the gallons.-- If they're full of water, then they weigh about 126.19 tons. (rounded)-- If the gallons are empty, then their weight is zero.
I don't know of any bees that go under water.
More info needed... Blow up swimming pools come in MANY sizes and each size holds a different amount of water. if a 72 inch round by 12 inch deep pool, you'd normally fill to around 8 - 10 inches water. With 10 inch water depth, it would have roughly 177 gallons of water.
Star fishMusselsanemone
penguin a fish?
a submarine :) xx
A dodo
Usually they are rated in gallons (in the US).It's probably liters in the rest of the world.
Burrows that are partly under water.
The question is not very specific. There are many kinds of water tankers. A water tanker truck, of the largest 18 wheeler kind, can carry about 30 tons of water. Which is about 8000 gallons.