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Q: What type of pressure is defined as gauge water pressure plus atmospheric air pressure?
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What are the different types of pressure feet?

water for example.absolute pressure; gauge pressure; atmospheric pressure

What is atmospheric humidity?

Atmospheric humidity is defined as the amount of pressure of water vapor in an air to water mixture. This will be influenced by the temperature at a given time.

What are the difference between room pressure and absolete pressure?

Room pressure refers to the pressure within a confined space like a room, which may be controlled to prevent contamination or maintain a sterile environment. Absolute pressure, on the other hand, refers to the total pressure within a system including both atmospheric pressure and any additional pressure exerted.

What effcet does altitude have on boiling point of water?

Higher altitude decreases the boiling point of water. Boiling point is defined as the point at which the vapour pressure of the substance above the liquid is equal to the external atmospheric pressure. Since the external atmospheric pressure is lower at higher altitudes, a lower vapour pressure of water is required for water to boil and therefore a lower temperature is required to achieve the desired vapour pressure.

How are atmospheric pressure and water pressure different?

Atmospheric pressure is the force exerted by the weight of the air in the atmosphere, while water pressure is the force exerted by the weight of water in a body of water. Atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude, while water pressure increases with depth. Atmospheric pressure is measured in units like atm or pascals, while water pressure is typically measured in units like pounds per square inch (psi) or pascals.

How do you calculate total pressure of water?

The total pressure of water is calculated by adding the atmospheric pressure to the pressure due to the depth of the water column using the formula: total pressure = atmospheric pressure + (density of water × acceleration due to gravity × depth of water).

What is the Boiling point of water at 6 barg?

The boiling point of water at 6 barg (bar gauge pressure) is approximately 152.9°C. At this pressure, water requires a higher temperature to boil compared to its boiling point at standard atmospheric pressure (100°C).

Difference between bar and barg?

The 'g' added on to bar means 'gauge', as opposed to bara, meaning 'absolute'. The 'zero' of a normal gauge is normally set at atmospheric pressure (things like tire pressure gauges, water gauges etc.) These gauges will read as "10 bar" but really mean that the absolute pressure is 10 bar + atmospheric pressure (~1.01325 bar). Some gauges however are absolute gauges. These might include weather gauges, or gauges on closed processes. bara = barg + atmospheric pressure

What is the difference between atmosphere pressure and water pressure?

Atmospheric pressure is the pressure exerted by the weight of the atmosphere above a given point, while water pressure is the force exerted by water on an object or surface due to the depth of the water. Atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude, while water pressure increases with depth.

What happens when pressure greater than atmospheric pressure is applied to pure water or a solution?

When pressure greater than atmospheric pressure is applied to pure water or a solution, the boiling point of the water/solution will increase. This means that the liquid will need to reach a higher temperature before it boils. Conversely, if the pressure decreases below atmospheric pressure, the boiling point will decrease, requiring a lower temperature for boiling to occur.

What is cause of atmospheric pressure?

Just as water pressure is caused by the weight of water, atmospheric pressure is caused by the weight of the air. Pg. 126 Conceptual Physical Science 4th Edition.

What C does water boil under normal atmospheric pressure?

Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius under normal atmospheric pressure.