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Q: What are Archimedes early influences?
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What were some early influences on Galileo?

well.. his early influences we're you :D

Who were some of the the first mathematicians?

One of the more famous early mathematicians was Archimedes, who was born in 287BC Greece. Archimedes contributed a lot to the development of calculus, and was well known for making machinery, such as the Archimedes screw, an early pump

Who did Archimedes influence?

In a word Archimedes influences "everyone" if he had not made his discovery there would be no people today trying to add technology to his invention so he has helped millions and trying to add all that technology that has made many jobs. That's who i think Archimedes has influenced.

Who were the early thinkers and their contributions to science?

Archimedes- buoyancy Pythagoras- Pythagoras theorem Aristotle-early views on light etc.

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What is Galileo early influences?

he was a math expert

Who was the first mechanical engineer?

Archimedes. He invented countless things that you can see from the link. I'm sure there were earlier mechanical engineers, but he was the most prolific of the early guys.

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Patricia Bath early influences was in ophthalmology. Ophthalmology is the branch of medicine that deals with the anatomy, physiology and diseases of the eye.

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one of her influences was a lady named Lucy Craft Laney.

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ninga please