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The Magyars were Aryans. Both groups were powerful warriors. The Magyars conquered almost all of Europe, as far as Spain and the Atlantic. The Magyars had blond hair and blue eyes. Modern Magyars/Hungarians have blue eyes and blond hair and genetics show that modern Hungarian genes are basically the same as ancient Magyar genes and that Magyars have the largest amount of ancient pre-Indo-European genes so blond hair and blue eyes in Magyars come from ancient Magyars of the Carpathian Basin, not Slavs. Even in modern Hungary, where Slavic last names are fairly common, Slavic genes are 5%, Transylvania and small towns have only Magyar last name, so probably even less Slavic genes and they look the same as the other Magyars. The ancient Magyars used the swastika symbol in ancient times, obviously the swastika is not even in German culture, Hitler brought it to Germany.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

They both were always conquering land and they were herders.

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