this year marked the beginning of the Viking Age.
this year marked the beginning of the Viking Age.
1776 AD means the year 1776 after christ was born, this year is 2011 AD. Forty years before Jesus was born it was 40 BC. BC: Before Christ AD: After Death
They came from the sea in a whirlwind of violence. In AD793, the Christian monastery of Lindisfarne off the Northumbrian coast was ransacked by pagans. They plundered and raped; they showed no mercy. These were the Vikings and they came to dominate Europe for the next 200 years.
The Anglo-Saxons thought that an invasion from the sea was impossible because the sea around Britain is very rough. There had not been an invasion from the sea since the Anglo-Saxon one, and the Anglo-Saxons had probably forgot that altogether, meaning they thought the sea couldn't be crossed.
BC = Before Christ AD = Anno Domini (after the birth of Christ)
813 years
the vikings stated raiding
The Vikings came from Norway, Denmark, and Scandinavia. They attacked the north-east coast of Britain. They invaded in AD 793 and then later in AD 1000-1060.
793 AD
Began their first attacks of England.
Plunder is what they sought starting about the year 800.
The Vikings were around for 273 years. The Viking era started in 793 AD and ended in 1066 AD.
The Vikings first invaded Britiain in 793 AD and last invaded in 1066 when William the Conqueror became King of England. 793 to 796 then they took over
798 A.D. to 1050 A.D.
The Viking era on Time Tangled Island goes from 793 AD to 1066 AD.
June 8, 793 AD. Danish raiders sacked the monastery Lindisfarne.
They began to raid because that was how they where raised and they thought it was normal. It was part of there culture.
793 mL = 793 000 uL