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Q: What about the modern organisms Darwin studied him to the area of descent modification?
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What are two organisms that Charles Darwin studied?

a fancy pigeon and the finches

How does Darwin's principle of descent with modification explain the characteritics of todays species?

Yes, but it needs some additions like Mendelian Genetics that Darwin did not have. These additions have already been made.

What is common descent with modification?

Common descent with modification is the concept that all organisms on Earth are descended from a common ancestor, and that over time, through the process of natural selection, genetic changes accumulate in populations leading to the diversity of life we see today. This idea was proposed by Charles Darwin in his theory of evolution.

What did Charles Darwin contribute to classification?

Charles Darwin proposed the theory of evolution, which greatly influenced the classification of organisms by emphasizing the concept of common ancestry and descent with modification. His work helped establish the idea that all living things are related and can be organized into a branching tree of life based on their shared evolutionary history.

Why were the Galapagos islands so important to Darwin's observations?

During Darwins visit to the Galapagos island he observed that these islands had many unique organisms, most of which were similar to but different from the plants and animals from the nearest mainland.... thus this indicated how population evolved. Darwin called this "descent with modification" meaning an ancestral species could diversify into many descendant species by the accumulation of adaptation to various environment. His observation described the theory of evolution.

Related questions

What about the modern organism Darwin's studied led him to the idea of descent with modification?

Organisms on island clusters were very similar to each other and to nearby mainland species.

What about the modern organisms Darwin studied to the idea of descent with modification?

Darwin studied a diverse range of modern organisms to support his idea of descent with modification, also known as evolution through natural selection. By observing variations within and between species, as well as the process of adaptation to different environments, he was able to build a compelling case for the gradual transformation of species over time. Studying modern organisms provided evidence for the idea that all life on Earth is interconnected through a common ancestor.

What about the modern organisms Darwin studied led him to the idea is descent with modification?

Darwin observed variations in traits among individuals of the same species, which he attributed to differences in their habitats and environments. He also noted that these variations could be passed down from generation to generation, leading to changes in populations over time. This observation, along with evidence from comparative anatomy and biogeography, led Darwin to propose the idea of descent with modification, or the process of evolution by natural selection.

What about the modern organisms Darwin studied led him to he idea of descent with modification?

Darwin was intrigued by the variations he observed within and among species, along with the geographical distribution of species. The diverse adaptations and similarities in characteristics among related species, combined with the geological evidence of Earth's changing landscapes over time, led him to propose the idea of descent with modification, which later became known as evolution by natural selection.

What about the organisms Darwin studied led him to the idea of descent with modification?

Organisms on island clusters were very similar to each other and to nearby mainland species.

Darwin and theory of common descent states that all organisms?

Darwin's theory of common descent states that all organisms _____.

What three word phrase summarizes Darwin's mechanism of evolution?

Darwin used the phrase "descent with modification" (he didn't use the term "evolution")

What about the modern organisms Darwin studied led him to the idea of descents with modification?

Organisms on island clusters were very similar to each other and to nearby mainland species.

Darwin used the phrase descent with modification to mean that?

Darwin used the phrase "descent with modification" to reflect the unity he perceived in life. He believed that all organisms are related from an ancestral organism through descent. As time passed, the descendants of this ancient ancestor spilled into various habitats all over the world and began to accumulate modifications that fit their specific ways of life.

What about the modern organism Darwin studied led him to the idea of descent with modification?

Organisms on island clusters were very similar to each other and to nearby mainland species.

Darwin believed that all organisms on earth are united into a single tree of life by?

Darwin believed that all organisms on Earth are united into a single tree of life by descent with modification, meaning that all living organisms share a common ancestor and have evolved over time through natural selection. This concept forms the basis of evolutionary theory.

Darwin’s theory of common descent states that all organisms?

Darwin's theory of common descent states that all organisms evolved from past organisms.