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theres no such thing black nig ger

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Q: 2 disadvantage of using a scatter plot?
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What are the 2 variables in a scatter plot called?

The x is the domain, and the y is the range. (:

What are the 2 variables in a scatter plot?

You can have any two variables. In fact, you can also have just one variable over two points in time - for example, a scatter plot of the price of something plotted against the price of the same thing a year earlier.

What type of graph would you use for comparing 2 similar kinds of data?

It depends on the kind of data you have, but a scatter plot or bar graph would be best.

How does a scatter plot relate two sets of data?

If you have 2 sets of data, one that is independent and one that is dependent (I will assume this because relating two sets of unrelated data is useless), then you plot the independent on the x and the dependent on the y and assess how y changes in relation to x

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What is another term of Advantage and disadvantage?

The difference between and advantage and a disadvantage can be very significant. An advantage means you have the upper hand in a situation usually only one person can have a particular advantage. A disadvantage can be an obstacle that more than one person can have at the same time.

What are the syllables for word scatter?

sca and tter 2 syllables

What are the ratings and certificates for Burn Notice - 2007 Scatter Point 2-5?

Burn Notice - 2007 Scatter Point 2-5 is rated/received certificates of: Netherlands:12 USA:TV-PG

What is a disadvantage to using graphs and diagrams?

1. The information may be in a form that is too difficult to use. 2. They sometimes give you too much information.

When are scatter plots used?

to show the relationship between 2 sets of data

What is the disadvantage of television?

disadvantage of teievision are [1]-its takes the time of your work.[2]-

What kind of plot does An American Tragedy have?

1- Linear plot: Straight forward plot. 2- Cicular plot: the plot begins in one point & goes back to the same point in a circle.