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First do your setup. Get real close to the hole. Drive forward until your steering wheel is aligned with the left side of the hole, and stop. Crank the steering wheel all the way to the right, and drive forward until the tractor is parallel to the hole. Stop, crank the steering wheel to the left, and drive forward until the tractor is parallel to the front of the other trucks in the line you're backing into.

Now get out of your truck and look around: make sure you're not going to swing the tractor into anything, and make sure you won't back into anything with the trailer. The trailer needs to be 10 feet away from, and 10 feet past, the hole. If it is, get in, turn the wheel to the right all the way, and start backing in. Once you get the thing bent to about a 45-degree angle, turn the wheel to the left and just steer it in. Before you get to the hole, get out and look to be sure you won't hit anything.

If you go to a truck stop, turn your CB off--the "old" truckers will talk bad about you getting out and looking, but I've been backed into so many times by old truckers it's ridiculous.

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