5 hours and 55 minutes is equal to 355 minutes.
5 hours 55 minutes
Subtracting 55 minutes from 9 hours gives 8 hours, 5 minutes.
5 hours and 55 minutes.
9 hours, 5 minutes, 27.27 seconds
9 to 5 is 8 hours. 10 minutes on the front and 30 minutes on the back is 8 hours, 40 minutes. Subtracting 45 minutes is 7 hours, 55 minutes.
9 hours minus 55 minutes is 8 hours and 5 minutes.
At 1 mile per hour it is 55 hours, at 2 miles an hour it is 27.5 hours at 5 miles an hour it is 11 hours at 55 miles an hour it is 1 hour at 60 miles an hour it is 55/60 hour or 55 minutes at 120 miles an hour it is 27.5 minutes at 550 miles an hour it is 6 minutes etc
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 5 hours and 55 minutes.
The flight time is approximately 5 hours, 12 minutes.
If you went a constant 55 mph and made no stops it would take about 46 hours 5 minutes.