1 hour 55 minutes between 9:45am and 11:40am
There are 60 minutes in one hour.Therefore 475 minutes is equal to 475/60 = 7 11/12 hours = 7 hours and 55 minutes.7 hours and 55 minutes after 1 pm is 8:55pm.
55 miles/60 mph = 0.91667 hours. hours*60 = minutes so 0.91667 hours times 60 = 55 minutes. A simpler way to do this is to consider that 60 mph = 1 mile per minute. Thus 55 miles will take 55 minutes.
9 hours 21 minutes 09 seconds - 3 hours 46 minutes 54 seconds =5 hours 34 minutes 15 seconds
There are 60 minutes in 1 hour. Divide 115 by 60 to find the answer which is 1 hour and 55 minutes.
Subtracting 55 minutes from 9 hours gives 8 hours, 5 minutes.
55 minutes
9 hours 55 minutes
9 hours minus 55 minutes is 8 hours and 5 minutes.
9 hours and 55 minutes.
9 hours and 55 minutes
9 hours and 55 minutes
In Jupiter, 9 Earth hours and 55 minutes is approximately equal to 0.4167 Jupiter days. Jupiter's rotational period is about 9.9 hours, so 9 Earth hours and 55 minutes is less than half a Jupiter day.
rotation would be 9 hours and 55 minutes.
From 9:55 to 12:30 is 2 hours and 35 minutes.
5 hours and 55 minutes is equal to 355 minutes.