

7r plus 3 plus 2r - 2?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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Q: 7r plus 3 plus 2r - 2?
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Below ^ denotes power. 8q^6r^3=(2q^2r)^3 denote as a^3 and find a=2q^2r 27s^6t^3=(3s^2t)^3 denote as b^3 and find b=3s^2t Now 8q^6r^3+27s^6t^3=a^3+b^3 = (a+b)(a^2-ab+b^2) | substitute back =(2q^2r+3s^2t)(4q^4r^2-6q^2rs^2t+9s^4t^2). Notice (2q^2r)^2=4q^4r^2 (3s^2t)^2=9s^4t^2. Hence 8q^6r^3+27s^6t^3=(2rq^2+3ts^2)(4r^2q^4-6rts^2t^2+9t^2s^4), a=2q^2r and b=3s^2t.

What is the answer to 4x plus 8 equals 2r plus 20?

That depends on what the question is. What you gave is simply a relationship between two variables. You can simplify it like this: 4x + 8 = 2r + 20 (4x + 8) / 2 = (2r + 20) / 2 2x + 4 = r + 10 2x + 4 - 4 = r + 10 - 4 2x = r + 6 You can then solve for x by dividing both sides by two: 2x / 2 = (r + 6) / 2 x = r/2 + 3 You could also solve for r by subtracting six from both sides, and rearranging the equation: 2x = r + 6 2x - 6 = r + 6 - 6 2x - 6 = r r = 2x - 6 r = 2(x - 3)

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