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Q: A cake on a plate weighs 1.0kg The plate alone weighs 10gms What is the weight of the cake?
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What is the weight of a ballistic vest type III?

it weighs approximately 55-65 pounds depending what you attach to it, if you have a trauma plate, and if you include ceramic plates. the trauma plate weighs about 3 pounds, the ceramic back plate weighs 30-45 pounds and the front weighs 25-30 pounds.

What is the weight of steel diamond plate per square foot?

The weight of steel diamond plate per square foot depends on its thickness. Steel diamond plate that is 3/16 inches thick weighs 8.70 pounds per square foot. 3/8" plate weighs 16.35 pounds per square foot.

How much does a plate weigh in kg?

On Earth, each kilogram of a person's mass weighs 2.205 pounds. In other places, each kilogram of him has some different weight, depending on where he is.

What is the weight of 4 mm chequered plate?

4mm chequered plate unit weight

How much weight can the plate tree safely hold?

This weight plate tree has a maximum weight capacity of 300 pounds.

How much does a average dinner plate weigh?

There is no possible answer. Millilitres (mL) are units for measuring volume, not weight. Weight is measured in Newtons. Also, dinner plates can vary very considerably in their weight.

What is the weight of 3mm chequered plate weight?


What is the unit weight of ms chequered plate?

chequered plate 5 mm thickness weight is 45.4 kg

What is the weight of 4 mm MS chequered plate?

4mm chequered plate unit weight

How do you find weight of 15inchesx15inches of 6mm thick ms plate?

6mm Thk MS plate weight for one metre

What is the weight of 6 MM MS chequered plate?

6mm chequered ms plate per square meter weight

How do you remove weight of plate from Weight Watchers food scale?

Place the plate on the scale and then power up the scale. It turn on at Zero.