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An abacus (or soroban in Japan)

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Q: A calculator that performs arithmetic functions by manually sliding counter on rods or grooves?
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What is a calculator that performs arithmetic functions by manually sliding counters on rods or in grooves?


A calculator that performs arithmetic functions by manually sliding counters on rods or in grooves?

An abacus. The bottom line is ones, the second is tens, and etc. Basically, it was an ancient calculator.

Why is it computer called computer not calculator?

It is known as computer rather than a calculator as the calculator performs functions with numbers whereas; a computer performs functions with not only numbers but encoding of computer language.

The component of the processor that performs arithmetic comparsion and logical operations?

The arithmetic logic unit is a digital circuit that is part of the CPU. Its main functions are to do arithmetic and logic operations.

What is the Different between a computer and a calculator?

A computer is a programmable machine that receives input, stores and manipulates data, and provides output in the form of answers.A calculator performs arithmetic operations on numbers.

What performs arithmetic and logic calculations?

There is a special part of the CPU that performs Arithmetic and Logical calculations. Its called Arithmetic Logic Unit ( ALU ).

The unit that performs the arithmetic and logical operations within the processor?

The unit that performs the arithmetic and logical operations within the processor is called the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU).

What performs arithmetic?

Things that can count.

What is the logic unit is the part of the CPU which performs all of the calculations?

The ALU performs arithmetic and logic operations. ALU stands for Arithmetic Logic Unit.

Which part of CPU performs all arithmetic and logic calculations on data it receives?

The "arithmetic logic unit" performs these operations in classical standard microprocessor architectures

What performs arithmetic comparison and logical operations?


Performs logical and arithmetic processes?

logic unit