Radius = Half Diameter
So, To Find The Radius You Times 80 By 2 ( 80 x 2 ) = 160
Hope It Helped
A circle with a radius of 5.
The diameter of a circle is twice its radius.
16 cm
since the equation to get circumference is diamiter X pi, and the diamiter is 2x the radius, yes it would double the C of the circle ie before radius is 2, so diamiter is 4 4 X Pi 12.57... radius is 4 so the diamiter is 8 8 X pi = 25.13... that would double it.
Divide the diameter by 2. (The radius is 1/2 of the diameter.)
yes the radius is half the diameter. It goes from the edge of the circle to the centre.
If you do not have the area, what do you have? The radius is half the diamiter The radius is PieR2 Worked backwards if you know the circumfrence.
Since: area = pi * radius2 Then: Radius = square root ( area / pi ) And: Diameter = radius * 2
the main definition of diameter is the measurement of straight down the middle of a circle or some other shapes but mainly circles
Diameter = 1/2 of the circle's radius. Diameter = 2 times the square root of (the circle's area/pi) Diameter = the circle's circumference/pi
The area of a cirle is: PI * r2 Where "r" is the radius, and PI is approximately 3.14. Hint: A radius is half of the diameter.