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Diameter = 1/2 of the circle's radius.

Diameter = 2 times the square root of (the circle's area/pi)

Diameter = the circle's circumference/pi

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Q: What is the equation for the diamiter of a circle?
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If you double the radius of a circle will the circumference also double?

since the equation to get circumference is diamiter X pi, and the diamiter is 2x the radius, yes it would double the C of the circle ie before radius is 2, so diamiter is 4 4 X Pi 12.57... radius is 4 so the diamiter is 8 8 X pi = 25.13... that would double it.

What has a diamiter of 10?

A circle with a radius of 5.

How do you get diamiter?

The diameter of a circle is twice its radius.

What is the diamiter of a circle with a radius of 8cm?

16 cm

What is the area of a circle with a diamiter of 3cm?

Using 3.14 as Pi the area of circle is: 0

If the diamiter is 5.5 what is the circumference?

Circumference of circle: 5.5 times pi

How do you find the circumference if a circle if you have the diamiter?

Multiply the diameter by 3.14 (pi).

Is a radious half the diamiter of a circle?

yes the radius is half the diameter. It goes from the edge of the circle to the centre.

How do you find the radius a circle if you have the diamiter?

Divide the diameter by 2. (The radius is 1/2 of the diameter.)

How do you find the diamiter of a circle?

well you can divide the circumference by pi (3.14) and it will always give you the diameter or you could measure it.

What is the circumference of a circle with the diamiter of 12 and a velocity of 22 grams?

37.68 ngwee (except when the wind is from the sou'west east)

What is a diamiter?

the main definition of diameter is the measurement of straight down the middle of a circle or some other shapes but mainly circles