The numbers are relatively prime, or co-prime.
No - co-prime numbers are pairs of numbers which share no positive integer factors apart from 1. Twin prime numbers are a pair of prime numbers with a difference of 2.
No factor of 10999 is divisible by 10998. Apart from 1 and 2, any pair of consecutive numbers must be co-prime: that is, they cannot have any prime factor in common.
relatively prime or co-prime.
Common prime number is 2 only.
Any two prime or relatively prime numbers. 25 and 36, for example.
Of course not! For example 3 and 9 are odd, but are not co-prime!
numbers which are co prime have a GCF as 1 For example *2,3 *37,47 *23,24
Any consecutive composite integers, like 34 and 35.
The GCF of two consecutive numbers is always 1. The GCF of any set of numbers can't be greater than the smallest of the differences between the numbers.
Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. If the two numbers have a GCF of 1, they are co-prime or relatively prime and their LCM will be their product.
A set of numbers whose GCF is one are called co-prime or relatively prime