The LCM is 56.
They are: 7 and 8
1 * 56 = 56 2 * 28 = 56 4 * 14 = 56 7 * 8 = 56 8 * 7 = 56 14 * 4 = 56 28 * 2 = 56 56 * 1 = 56
The factors of 56 are: 1 2 4 7 8 14 28 56 The prime factors are: 2 x 2 x 2 x 7
Prime factors of 56 First, what two numbers multiplied give you 56? 7 x 8 Is either of these a prime number?? Yes, 7 is prime. What about 8? What two numbers multiplied together give you 8? 2 x 4 Is either of these a prime number?? Yes, 2 is prime. What about 4? What two numbers multiplied together give you 4? 2 x 2 Is either of these a prime number?? Yes, both are prime. Combining our individual results, the prime factorisation of 56 is 7 x 2 x 2 x 2
56 and 105
1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 14, 28, 56 2 and 7 are prime.
The second one.
The prime numbers (factors) of 56 are: 2 and 7
The prime numbers (factors) of 56 are: 2 and 7
To find the prime numbers of 56, start with two numbers that when multiplied together equal 56. For example: 2 x 28 = 56. Two is prime, but 28 is composite, so it needs to be factored. 2 x 2 x 14 = 56. Now, 14 is prime, so factor it. 2 x 2 x 2 x 7 = 56. All the factors are now prime, so the prime factors are 2 x 2 x 2 x 7.
Numbers cannot "make" another number prime. If you are looking for the prime factorization of 56, it is 23 * 7.
56 = 7 x 8 = 7 x 23 then 56 is not a product of 3different prime numbers
The LCM is 56.
It is 70 or 42 that have exactly 3 prime factors
The prime factorization of 56 is 2, 2, 2, and 7, so there there are two prime numbers, 2 and 7, that can evenly go into 56.