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Because when you put dozen of coins water level will change enough to mesaure it, then volume you got by such mesauring should be divided by number of coins. that way you will get volume of single coin.

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Q: A single coin will not change the water level in the graduated cylinder enough to give a precise measurement of its volume. why was it possible to modify the experiment to use several coins?
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If a graduated cylinder was not correctly calibrated how would it affect the results of a measurement?

This is one of those oddly obvious questions. If a graduated cylinder was not correctly calibrated, then it would yield an incorrect meaurement when you use it. Withouth calibration, you wouldn't know if it was reading high or low. It might be possible to make precise measurements, but precision is a different quality from accuracy. Being able to measure to a tenth or hundredth of a mililiter doesn't mean much is your measurement is off by half a mililiter.

Which graduated cylinder is more precise a 25 mL or 100 mL?

As far as sig figs are concerned, the graduated cylinder will yield a measurement that is both more precise and accurate than is possible using an Erlenmeyer (precision and accuracy mean different things in science talk). Erlenmeyer flasks aren't really intended to be used for measurement of volume, as the width of the flask at the point of the markings introduces lots of error as you try and eyeball the level of fluid within it. The narrow column of a graduated cylinder will allow you to judge volume far more accurately since a difference in the height of fluid in one of these will result in a lower overall difference in volume when compared to the Erlenmeyer.Keep in mind though, that just because a graduated cylinder contains a certain volume doesn't mean that it will deliver that entire volume to another container, since some of the liquid inevitably clings to the sides. This isn't a problem is you are simply trying to measure volume, but if you are trying to pour an exact volume into another container you need to use another method to do so. In this case your best bet is to pipette.

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What is the volume of a cylinder in cu ft?

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to gather data from data to create an controlled experiment

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All possible outcomes of an experiment is known as a sample space. This will include an exhaustive list of all the possible results to be achieved.

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Is a controlled experiment always going to be possible?

No it will not be all ways possible.