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Using the equation v=fλ, you can rearrange to get λ=v/f

If the speed if low and the frequency is high, you will get a low value for the wavelength.

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Q: A wave has a low speed but a high frequencyWhat can be inferred about its wavelength?
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The speed of what tells whether a sound will be a high or low pitch?

The speed of the vibration. High speed vibration = high frequency = short wavelength = high pitch. Low speed vibration = low frequency = long waves = low pitch.

Which of these waves would you expect to have the greatest wave speed?

a wave with long wavelength and high frequency.

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A light ray is a straight line with speed c=fw. The speed c is a constant and the product of the wavelength, w and the frequency f. The frequency is f=c/w, inverse to the wavelength. If the wavelength is long the frequency is low; if the wavelength is small the frequency is high.

What kind of wavelength does a wave have with a high frequency?

The product of (frequency) times (wavelength) is always the same number ... it's the speed of the wave. So if the frequency increases, the wavelength must decrease, to keep the product constant.

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Speed = (frequency) x (wavelength) = (36) x (12) = 432 meters per second.Isn't this a pretty high speed for sound in air . . . ? ? ?

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Not necessarily. The frequency of a wave is equal to the speed divided by the wavelength so if it is fast and has a low wavelength then it will be high pitched. If it has a very large wavelength though it will have a lower pitch.

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High energy light has a small wavelength, and a high frequency.

What is the frequency of oceon waves that have a speed of 18 miles per second and wavelength of 50m?

Frequency = (speed) / (wavelength) =(18 miles per second) x (1,609.344 meters per mile) / (50 meters) = 579.4 Hz (rounded)This speed and frequency is awfully high for a water wave, but the math is the math.

What equation can be used to show why a microwave has high energy?

Energy of microwaves is related to wavelength (lambda) and the speed of light (C). Energy equals Planck's Constant (6.6x10^34 Joules*second) multiplied by the speed of light (3.0X10^8 meters/second) divided by wavelength.

A wave has a low speed but a high frequency What can you infer about its wavelength?

That's short. (Note that the question avoids any definition of 'low' or 'high', so any answer should suffice.)

What does it mean for something to have wavelike properties?

Waves are characterized by wavelength, frequency, and speed. Wavelength is the distance between two consecutive peaks or troughs in a wave. The frequency is defined as the number of waves (cycles) per second that pass a given space. Since all types of electromagnetic radiation travel at the speed of light, short-wavelength radiation must have a high frequency and long-wavelength radiation must have a low frequency.

Is Long wavelength visible light have a speed that is slower than short wavelength light?

No. The speed of light is the same for long wave and short wave light. c=fw where w is the wavelength and f is the frequency. The speed c is a constant. The frequency is different for different wavelengths. High frequency for short waves and low frequency for long waves.