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Q: All squares have four congruent sides. since rectangles are squaresall rectangles have four congruent sides yes or no and why?
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Does a rectangle have all congruent sides?

No, rectangles do not have congruent sides. Squares have congruent sides.

Do all rectangles have four congruent sides?

No, only those rectangles that are squares have four congruent sides.

When are rectangles squares?

When two adjacent sides are equal (congruent).

Do rectangles have adjacent sides that are congruent?

The ones that have are called 'squares'.

Why is a square also a rectangle?

Because there opposite sides are congruent. And all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares!

What is a quadrilateral with opposite sides of congruent?

Parallelograms, rhombuses, squares, and rectangles are the quadrilaterals that have opposite congruent sides.

Can a rectangle be a square explain?

a rectangle has 4 right angles. A rhombus has four congruent sides. A square has four right angles and four congruent sides. All squares are rectangles because all rectangles have 4 right angles, and all squares have four right angles. But not all rectangles are squares because not all rectangles have congruent sides.

Are Squares the same as Rectanangles?

No. Squares technically qualify as rectangles (parallel opposite sides, ninety degree angles, opposite sides are congruent, etc.) however rectangles do not qualify as squares. Squares MUST have four sides of equivalent length, and rectangles do not meet this criterion.

How come not all rectangles are squares?

The characteristics for a rectangle is that it has to have 4 right angles and 2 pairs of congruent and parallel sides. Squares have to meet these requirements and also have to have all sides congruent. All rectangles meet to the rectangle's standard, but not all of them meet up to a square's standard. Therefore, not all rectangles are squares. Or, in a more simplified version: squares are a type of rectangle, but rectangles are not a type of squares, therefore not all rectangles are squares.

What quadrilaterals have opposite sides congruent?

Slanted polygons, rectangles, squares, trapazoids, kites

What quadrilaterals have two pairs of congruent sides?

Parallelograms Rhombuses Rectangles Squares

Does a square always have congruent sides?

Yes, a square will always be congruent, but rectangles also can be squares too. This is where you choose whether or not it is or not.