

Are clique group are positive or negative?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Are clique group are positive or negative?
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Can a clique be a group of people who are in a negative relationship?

Yes, a clique can consist of individuals in a negative relationship characterized by exclusivity, manipulation, gossip, or bullying. In such cases, the group dynamics can foster toxicity and harm rather than support and healthy connections.

Should i be apart of the clique group?

It depends on whether the clique group aligns with your values and interests. Consider if the group will have a positive impact on your life and if you feel comfortable being a part of it. Ultimately, the decision should be based on what feels right for you.

Husband of A positive group and wife of B negative group give birth to which blood group child?

"A","B","AB" "O" either positive or negative

If a Mother is A positive blood group and a Father is A positive blood can they have a child that is A negative blood group?

95% not.

Can a negative group boy marry a positive group girl?


Can you give A positive blood to A negative blood?

No. The Rh Negative blood group is formed by an absence of the Positive factor.

Can A negative blood group boys marry A positive blood group girls and the reason?

yes, he can. If boy blood group A positive or any other such as B or O positive and girl have A, B, or O, or AB negative then can be danger for offspring. If she already have positive blood group, there is no danger.

Can parents having same blood group 0 positive give birth to a child with blood group 0 negative?

If a mother has blood group 0 positive and the father is also 0 positive can they give birth to a child with blood group 0 negative?

Can a o positive and a b positive have a ab negative?

No, an O-group parent cannot have an AB-group child at all.

Can an o positive and ab positive have an a negative child?

No, an O-group parent cannot have an AB-group child at all.

AB positive blood group and what should be your life partner's blood group?

Anyone. AB can receive from anyone and positive can receive from positive and negative.

If a mother is B positive blood group and a father is O negative blood group can they have a child that is O positive blood group?

yeah its possible.