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That is usually what it is anyway, only in some cases is a clique a positive group or relationship.

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3mo ago

Yes, a clique can consist of individuals in a negative relationship characterized by exclusivity, manipulation, gossip, or bullying. In such cases, the group dynamics can foster toxicity and harm rather than support and healthy connections.

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Q: Can a clique be a group of people who are in a negative relationship?
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What you called to a group of school girls?

A group of school girls can be called a clique. A clique is a group of people who share the same interests and jokes, as well as fashion sense and musical sense.

what is a group of people who join together for a common purpose or interest?

A clique

What is a clicque?

A clique is a small, exclusive group of people who share similar interests, backgrounds, or social status. Clique members often form strong bonds and establish their own rules and norms within the group, leading to a sense of exclusivity.

How do you get people into your clique?

I got the girls in my clique by making friends..that usually helps :) and we don't exclude people...we're just a close knit group. But we do have our own lunch table :)

Should i be apart of the clique group?

It depends on whether the clique group aligns with your values and interests. Consider if the group will have a positive impact on your life and if you feel comfortable being a part of it. Ultimately, the decision should be based on what feels right for you.

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A group of five is called a "Quintet".

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What word means group that starts with the letter c?

For people... congregation, crowd, clique perhaps.

How do you use clique in a group?

To use a clique in a group, you can establish shared norms and values among the members, encourage inclusivity by welcoming new members and fostering strong relationships within the group. It's important to avoid exclusivity and cliquish behavior that may alienate others in the group. Communication and transparency are key to maintaining a healthy group dynamic.

How do you rule your clique?

You don't. A clique is supposed to be a group of friends. You're not friends if you 'rule' them.