

Are rational numbers ratios

Updated: 8/21/2019
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6y ago

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Yes, they are.

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Q: Are rational numbers ratios
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Can negative one half be a rational number?

Yes - all numbers that can be written as ratios, even negative numbers, are rational numbers.

Are ratios always rational?

No, but the reverse is true. All rational numbers are ratios but not all ratios are rational. You will often come across π being defined as the RATIO of the circumference of a circle to its diameter (there are other definitions). However, the word "rational" is derived from "ratio".

What are rational numbers and why are they important?

Rational numbers are ratios of two integers (the second of which is not zero). They are important if any number needs to be divided into equal parts.

Why are there irrational numbers?

Because there are numerical values which cannot be expressed as ratios of two integers. That is, there are numbers that are not rational.

Why is the square root of 36 rational?

It is because 6 is one of the rational numbers, which are anything ranging from negative numbers, positive numbers, ratios, fractions and decimals, and repeating decimals.

Why is it the square root of 9 is a rational numbers?

The square roots of 9 are ±3. These can be written in the form of ratios ±3/1 and, consequently, are rational numbers.

What can you say about the values of the ratios in the ratio table?

They represent rational numbers.

What is true about rational numbers?

Rational numbers are a subset of real numbers. They are ratios of the form x/y where x and y are integers (y ≠ 0). Their decimal representation are either terminating or infinitely recurring.

Can all whole numbers be rational?

yes, every whole number is rational since it can be written as a ratio. For example, the number 3 is really 3/1 which is a rational number. We define rational numbers as those numbers that we are able to write as ratios. However, most rational numbers are not whole numbersYes

What are the elements of rational numbers?

There are infinitely many rational numbers so it is not possible to list them. You can think of them as the set of all ratios of the form p/q where p and q and integers and q > 0.

What does rational numbers means?

They make up a set of numbers which can be expressed as ratios of two integers, in the form p/q where q is non-zero.