No, but the reverse is true. All rational numbers are ratios but not all ratios are rational.
You will often come across π being defined as the RATIO of the circumference of a circle to its diameter (there are other definitions). However, the word "rational" is derived from "ratio".
A natural number is always a rational number .
Rational numbers can always be expressed as fractions.
Yes, it is.
The product of an irrational number and a rational number, both nonzero, is always irrational
Yes, they are.
rational number
Such a sum is always rational.
Yes. But if you have a ratio of two integers, the ratio will be rational by definition.
A rational number.
They can all be represented by ratios of two integers.
Yes - all numbers that can be written as ratios, even negative numbers, are rational numbers.
No but the equal ratios are called Equivalent Ratios.
No, phenotypic ratios are not always the same as genotypic ratios. Phenotypic ratios are based on the physical appearance of individuals, while genotypic ratios are based on the genetic makeup of individuals. Various factors such as dominance, incomplete dominance, and gene interactions can result in differences between phenotypic and genotypic ratios.
They will always be rational numbers.