

Are squares with right angles parallelograms?

Updated: 8/26/2019
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9y ago

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Yes. A square is every kind of quadrilateral.

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Q: Are squares with right angles parallelograms?
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How many right angles in a parellelogram?

Generally, there are no right angles in a parallelogram, but rectangles and squares can be seen as special parallelograms, as they have all the qualities needed to be classed as parallelograms, and in addition, they have four right angles.

What is a quadrilateral with 2 right angles?

A trapezoid can have 2 right angles. Parallelograms, rhombuses, rectangles, and squares can have 4.

Name the best classification for a parallelogram with 4 right angles and diagonals that bisect each other?

A square. All squares are parallelograms, but not all parallelograms are squares.

If all rectangles are parallelograms are all squares parallelograms?

Yes. Squares are just complex rectangles, as the definition of a rectangle is that it has four right angles with opposite sides being parallel.

Does a paralellogram have right angles?

a parallelogram is a 4 sided polygon with two pair of parallel sides. So squares and rectangles are parallelograms since they have 2 pair of parallel sides and yes they have right angles, BUT most parallelograms do not have right angles. So the answer is it may have them, but does not need to have them

What type of a parallelogram have right angle?

Rectangles and squares are the only parallelograms that contain 90 degree angles.

Quadrilaterals have no right angles?

Certain quadrilaterals have right angles. Right trapezoids are the most general example. Rectangles are specialized right trapezoids, and squares are specialized rectangles. There may be more but I can't recall them. Many rhombuses and parallelograms have no right angles. However, they might (and then you'd probably call them squares or rectangles but they are also technically rhombuses, parallelograms and trapezoids).

What shape is a square but not a parelellogram?

No shape is a square but not a parallelogram as all squares are parallelograms: All parallelograms have opposite sides parallel and of equal length, and opposite angles are equal. All squares have opposite sides that are parallel and of equal length, and opposite angles are equal; thus all squares are parallelograms. However, all squares also have all angles equal to 90o and all four sides equal, but some parallelograms have angles not all 90o and/or not all four sides of equal length; thus not all parallelograms are squares.

Will a parallelogram always sometimes or never be a square?

Some parallelograms are squares - the ones which are equiangular (have equal angles) and are equilateral (have equal side lengths). All squares are parallelograms, but only some parallelograms are squares.

Do all parallelograms squares and trapezoids have 4 angles?


What is a parallellogram with 4 right angles but not 4 equal sides?

A rectangle :pParallelograms are quadrilaterals that have pairs of opposite sides that at parallel to each other.The only parallelograms with right angles are squares and rectangles. And squares have all congruent sides.