

Are the rules of adding vectors and scalars the same?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Are the rules of adding vectors and scalars the same?
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Are the rules for adding vectors and scalars the same?


Are vectors and scalars the same?

No, scalars and vectors are not the same. Scalars are measurements in numbers. Examples: work, energy, mass, speed, and distance. Scalars measure in one magnitude. Vectors measure velocity, acceleration, force, and momentum.

Can Vectors be added together scalar quantities cannot?

Vectors can be added to other vectors in the same vector space. Scalars can be added to other scalars if they have the same units. Scalars cannot be added to vectors, nor vice versa, directly.

Why can't we add or subtract vectors like scalars?

Because scalars do not take in the direction but just the magnitude while vectors can. You can add vectors ONLY if they are in the same direction.

What is the difference between vector addition and algebraic addition?

There is no difference between vector addition and algebraic addition. Algebraic Addition applies to vectors and scalars: [a ,A ] + [b, B] = [a+b, A + B]. Algebraic addition handles the scalars a and b the same as the Vectors A and B

How do you subtract vectors?

it depends on the method of subtraction. If the vectors are drawn graphically then you must add the negative of the second vector (same magnitude, different direction) tail to tip with the first vector. If the drawing is to scale, then the resultant vector is the difference. If you are subtracting two vectors <x1, y1> - <x2, y2> then you can subtract them component by component just like scalars. The same rules apply to 3-dimensional vectors

If the magnitude of the product A x B is equal to AB then?

Then, if A nd B are scalars, it is not really surprising. If A and B are vectors then they have the same direction.

What are the method in adding vector?

The method in adding vectors is "add like components to likes".For example A= Ia1 + Ja2 + Ka3 and B= Ib1 + Jb2 + Kb3 added is :A+B= I(a1 +b1) + J(a2 + b2) + K(a3 + b3).I, J and K are the vector components.Physics really involves vectors V and scalars S called Quaternions Q=S +V.The method is the same but now likes include vectors and scalars.Q1 + Q2 = (S1 +S2) + (V1 + V2).

Adding two vectors in the same direction?

The sum of two vectors having the same direction is a new vector. It's magnitude is the sum of the magnitudes of the original two vectors, and its direction is the same as their common direction.

Why can't two numbers with the same dimensions be added together in terms of physics?

There are some classes of numbers that can and others that cannot. Scalars can. Vectors usually cannot, if to add two vectors together you simply add their numerical values. Their directions - a characteristic of the vectors but which has no dimensions - need to be taken into account.

How are scalar and vector quantaties alike?

Scalars and vectors quantities can represent the same measure e.g.Energy = -mu/r + mc, ; -mu/r is scalar energy and mcV is vector energy.

What is the direction of the resultant vector after adding two equal and opposite vectors?

Theortically, should be the same.