

Attractive force stable nuclei

Updated: 10/18/2022
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14y ago

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It might be because, if the number of electrons are diminished then the number of protons might make the element a highly positively charged element (positive ion)!

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Q: Attractive force stable nuclei
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Why must there be an attractive force to explain existence of stable nuclei?

Nuclei are made of protons (positively charged), plus neutrons (no charge) Positively charged particles repel each other, so there must be another force preventing them from flying apart. That's why there must be an attractive force.

What provides the stability that occurs in larger atomic nuclei?

The most stable nuclei are iron and nickel, and that is due to the binding energy per nucleon being greatest in that size of nucleus. As you go to heavier nuclei like uranium for instance, the nucleus gets less stable. (see the related Wikipedia link) Larger atomic nuclei (up to lead) are stable because the repulsive electrostatic force does not decrease with distance as greatly as the strong nuclear force does.

Which phase of matter has the strong attractive force?

All phases of matter have the strong force. It is the force that occurs in the nuclei of atoms and holds the protons and neutrons together in the nucleus.

Is gravity strictly an attractive force or is it magnetism where it can be attractive or repulsive?

Gravity is strictly an attractive force.

What is the force that attracts covalent bonds?

The force that attracts covalent bonds is the sharing of electron pairs between atoms. This sharing allows the atoms to achieve a more stable electron configuration. The shared electrons are attracted to the positively charged nuclei of both atoms, forming a strong bond.

Why does the the relative importance of the coulomb force compared to the strong nuclear force increase at large mass numbers?

Because the effect of the strong nuclear force falls (SNF) off more steeply as a function of distance than does the electromagnetic (coulomb?) (EMF) force. The SNF is an attractive force, that tends to hold nuclei together, while the EMF is an attractive/repulsive force (depending on polarity of charge) that tends to blow nuclei (at least, protons) apart. In the short distances for small nuclei, the SNF wins, but, starting at atomic number 83, bismuth, the EMF starts to win based on distance, which is why all nuclides with atomic number greater the 82 (lead) are unstable (radioactive).Not asked, but answered for completeness sake; even for smaller nuclei, such as carbon, the proton/neutron ratio can lead to an unstable, i.e. radioactive, configuration, based on the weak nuclear force, which also enters into the picture.

What is the force bind electrons to nuclei to form atoms?

The force that binds electrons to nuclei to form atoms is usually called the electrostatic force or the Coulomb force; the magnitude of the force can be calculated using Coulomb's law.

What force pulls a attractive force?


Why number of neutrons greater than protons in heavier nuclide?

The extra neutrons are needed to keep the attractive strong nuclear force within the nucleus greater than the repulsive electromagnetic force of the protons in the nucleus. With heavy enough nuclei eventually this fails.

A chemical bond is an attractive what that holds atoms together?

nuclei because a chemical bond is a mutual attraction between the NUCLEI and valence ELECTRONS of different atoms that binds the atoms together

What force holds nuclei of atoms together?

The "strong nuclear force".

Why heavy nuclei are unstable?

Heavy, i.e. large, nuclei are unstable because their size is such that the attractive strong nuclear force starts to lose out over the repulsive effect of the electromagnetic interaction. The happens because the distance coefficient for the strong nuclear forces drops off more rapidly than does the electromagnetic interaction.