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Q: Can a coordinate plane be represented by more than one ordered pair?
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What is a coordinate plane that has no breaks in it?

A coordinate plane! If it has one or more breaks in it is not a coordinate plane but only a part of one.

What ordered pairs are solutions to the system y is more than or equal to 4 and x is less than 5?

They comprise an infinite expanse of the coordinate plane: to the left of the vertical line represented by x = 5 and above (and including) the horizontal line represented by y = 4. So, for example (-20, 31) is part of the solution set.

In which ordered pair is the x-coordinate 3 more than the y-coordinate?

ex) (3,1)

What is a pair of numbers indicating the x coordinate and the y coordinate on a grid?

A "Cartesian Ordered Pair," more commonly known as simply an "Ordered Pair."

Why do the planets in your solar system have the same x-coordinate in a 3d coordinate system?

All the planets stay approximately in one plane - the plane of the ecliptic. So if you have the x-coordinate normal to that plane their x-coordinates will stay small. It is more usual to have the z-coordinate normal to the plane.

Can a point be represented by more than one ordered pair?


Do economic analysts use coordinate planes?

Yes, almost all the time. And when it is not coordinate planes it is coordinate hype-spaces (more than just the 2 dimensions that the coordinate plane allows).

Why do we use the terms ordered and ordered pair?

The pair (2, 3) is the same as the pair (3, 2) but the ORDERED pair (2, 3) is NOT the same as the ORDERED pair (3, 2). In an ordered pair the order of the numbers does matter.

What is a coordinate grid point?

It is a point on the coordinate grid. The grid may be the Cartesian or coordinate plane, or its equivalent in 3 or more dimensions. It could also refer to a grid where the axes are not at right angles to one another (eg isometric grid).

How do you use a coordinate plane?

We assign coordinates to point on the plane and use those coordinates to tell us about the points. For example, the distance formula tells us how far apart they are, the midpoint formula tells us where there midpoint is. All of these and much more depend looking at a point as an ordered pair, (x,y) in the coordinate plane.The coordinate system is determined by the two directed lines and the given unit length. When the directed lines intersect at a right angle, the system is Cartesian, and (x,y) are Cartesian coordinates of the point. Normally, x-axis and y-axis are chosen so that an anticlockwise rotation of one right angle takes the positive x-direction to the positive y-direction. There are other methods of assigning coordinates to points in the plane. one such is the method of polar coordinates. The coordinate plane is the main idea in analytic geometry.

Why is a coordinate plane more useful than a coordinate grid that only uses positive integers?

idk look it u instead of wasting 10 minutes of ur life typing the question onto this website

Can three-dimensional figures can be located on a Cartesian coordinate system?

Yes, the Cartesian coordinate system is routinely extended to 3 and more dimensions. In 3-d the location of each point is determined by an ordered triple, usually denoted (x,y,z), with corresponding extensions to more dimensions.