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yes it can

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6mo ago

No, a glass of water cannot hold less than 0.9 liters. The volume of a glass is fixed, and it cannot hold less than its capacity.

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Q: Can a glass of water hold less than 0.9 liter?
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Related questions

Is a glass of water more or less than a liter?

It depends how big the glass is. Some can be 1 liter in capacity, but it is more likely to be about 450 ml or less (for a smaller glass).

Does a liter of water weigh the same as 1 liter of oil?

No. Oil is less dense than water, so 1 liter of oil will weigh less than 1 liter of water.

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How many liters make a glass of milk?

Your question is unclear. Do you mean how many glasses of milk are contained in a 1 liter carton? The answer is that it depends on the size of glasses. A "glass of milk" is an indefinite measure. Glasses come in different sizes. Larger glasses hold more milk; smaller glasses hold less milk.

What is less dense glass or water?

Generally, glass is more dense than water. (There are some types of glass which are less dense.) You can demonstrate this by gently placing a glass full of water in the sink or tub; the glass will sink, indicating that glass is more dense than water. If the glass were to float, we would know that the glass were less dense. Try this with plastic cup; the plastic is normally less dense, and will float.

Why does condensation form on a glass of iced tea?

Take a glass of cold water into a warm room, and the moisture in the warm room will condense on to the outside surface of the cold glass. Therefore, the water droplets form due to condensation.

Why does condensation form on glass of iced tea?

There is always water in the air in its gaseous form. When air is warmer it can hold more water before the water begins to condense and form into droplets. That's why you hear about relative humidity in the weather report - if the relative humidity is 50% it means that there is about half the maximum amount of water in the air that it can hold at its current temperature. So the bottom line is, when air cools it can hold less water. Your glass of iced tea cools the air around it, the air can no longer hold all of the water that is in it and the water condenses onto the surface of the glass. You would find that there would be more condensation in more humid weather.

Would a glass and wood block float in water?

if it was a cubick foot of water and the glass was the same and weighs less then the water than yes

What occurs when water droplets form on the outside of your iced tea glass on a hot summer day?

the cold glass cools the air in contact with the glass to the point that it can no longer hold as much water vapor as is present. This makes water condense on the outside of the glass. or more formally The vapor pressure of water at the temperature of the glass is less than the partial pressure of water vapor in the surrounding air causing condensation.

When the temperature decreases the air can hold more or less water?


Air has more capacity to hold water at what?

Air has more capacity to hold water when the air is warmer. The colder the air is, the less water it can hold.

How much does 1 liter of pure water weigh?

A liter of pure water weighs at most 1 kilogram (at 4 degrees Centigrade). This is about 2.2 pounds. Water at higher temperatures is less dense and will weigh slightly less.