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Well, not 'a few'. An irrational number can never be completely written out.

As a decimal, it just keeps going and going, forever. If you stop it anywhere

and say "That's the number.", then you have a rational number.

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Q: Can an irrational number become rarional by dropping a few decimal points?
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An irrational number can become rational by dropping a few decimal places?

An irrational number can become rational by dropping a few decimal places. Ans 2. An irrational number can produce a rational by being truncated as desired. The square root of 2 is often truncated to 1.414, and is useful in all sorts of technologies at that accuracy. However, it is no longer the square root of 2 ! It is often a useful approximation, but to a mathematician it is a queer duck.

What happens to the value of a number when multiplied by a decimal?

Nothing special happens. The answer can be smaller or bigger. A rational can become irrational or the other way around.

Can an irrational number become a rational number?

How would you do that ?? You'd have to change the value of the number. As long as the irrational number keeps its original value, it's an irrational number.

What is comparing and ordering rational numbers?

Rational numbers are roots, decimals, fractions, and whole numbers. Bascially anything that can become a decimal. Irrational numbers are like pi. I'm pretty sure to be irrational, they have to repeat. Anyway, ordering them and comparing them means looking at them and seeing which is smallest and largest. Then you order them (smallest to largest or whatever it says).

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It is simply 165.0 as a decimal

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True or false an irrational number can become rational by dropping a few decimal places?

In This Case, the answer is false and this is why in the case you have the Square root of 3, or (√3) To Approximate this, you come up with a number near to 1.7320508075688772935274463415059... and so on this is irrational because it is non-repeating, or you cannot simply make a fraction of it. But, if this where true, the you would be saying this 1.7320508075688772935274463415059=1.732=1.7.... and, in math, this is not true a more simple explanation would be that if you had 1/3 and 3/10, which would you say is bigger? 1/3 is bigger, and here is why 3/10=0.3 1/3=0.333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333...... and so on but, if you slap all of those 3's off there, it becomes 0.3, making it "rational", but incorrect. -Nick Ogre

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