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Q: When a rational fraction is divided to form a decimal value it become a terminating or what decimal?
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How do you do fractional as decimal?

You undertake a long division. Any fraction is a rational number and so its decimal representation must be terminating or recurring. A terminating decimal will mean that the long division reaches a point when the remainder is zero. A recurring decimal sequence is equivalent to the long division going through a cycle of remainders.

Sometimes it is hard to figure out if a fraction can be written as a terminating decimal or a repeating decimal What can you do if you are stuck?

easy the difference betweenis the terminating decimal is divided by anumber and then multiply ex5.1divide by5 is 1.0 then multiply by5 is 5.0 is equal to 5.1 butit have a 0 on it and decimal it just divided to get a nuber

What is 99 over 20 as terminating decimal how do you solve it?

99/20 divided by 20 = 4.95 as a terminating decimal

How do you convert a rational number into a decimal?

The line in a fraction can be read as "divided by." 4/5 = 4 divided by 5 = 0.8

How fractions are related to repeating decimals and terminating decimals?

Fractions are related to repeating decimals in the sense that a fraction can be represented as a repeating decimal if the denominator has prime factors other than 2 or 5. For example, 1/3 can be represented as 0.3333..., with the 3s repeating infinitely. Terminating decimals, on the other hand, are fractions that have denominators which are powers of 10. For example, 1/4 can be represented as 0.25, which terminates after two decimal places.

What is terminating decimal and repeating decimal?

Divide 4 by 9. The answer is 0.44444 and the 4's will keep going forever. That's a repeating decimal. It doesn't have to be just one number. 17 divided by 27 is 0.629629629 and the 629's repeat forever. A terminating decimal stops. 3 divided by 8 = 0.375

Does square root of 13 divided by 625 have a terminating decimal or a non-terminating decimal?


How do you turn a fraction in to a decimal?

The line in a fraction can be read as "divided by." Do the division. 3/4 = 3 divided by 4 = 0.75

What is the difference between terminating and repeating numbers?

A terminating number has a definitive value - A repeating number continues indefinitely. For example - 10 divided by 8 is 0.125 (a terminating number) - 10 divided by 3 is 3.333333 (the decimal repeats indefinitely).

What is the difference between a fraction and a rational number?

Very little.A fraction is one integer divided by another.A rational number is one that could be written as a fraction.

What kind of numbers are not rational numbers?

Irrational numbers, like irrational people, have no rhyme or reason. If you divide the numerator of a fraction by the denominator, the decimal portion is in most cases non-repeating and seemingly unpredictable. For example, pi, 3.1415..., the fraction 22 divided by 7. On the other hand, a rational number can be an integer, zero, or a fraction whose decimal portion leads to a finite end. For example, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, the fraction 3 divided by 4, or 0.75.

Is fraction a rational or irrational?

A fraction, consisting of one integer divided by another, non-zero, integer is a rational number.