The question is difficult to answer because there is no information on what "it" is. Assuming that it is some sort of test result, the answer is, yes, it is possible. Most (if not all) tests are not 100% accurate and there is a small chance that the result will be a "false positive" as in the case here. Similarly, there is usually also a small probability of a false negative: that is, when the test shows negative when you are positive. Most tests are not perfect, but a trade-off between these two types of errors, with the consequences of the wrong decision being taken into account .
usually it should, but if it doesn't show then the flat side is negative and the tip is positive, On an automotive battery the larger post is positive +.
Positive + Negative = Negative Negative + Negative = Positive Positive + Positive = Positive Negative + Positive = Negative
Negative * positive = negative Positive * positive = positive Negative * negative = positive
The rules for the sign (positive or negative) of the result of a multiplication is the same as division. For multiplication: Positive * Positive --> Positive Positive * Negative --> Negative Negative * Positive --> Negative Negative * Negative --> Positive For division: Positive / Positive --> Positive Positive / Negative --> Negative Negative / Positive --> Negative Negative / Negative --> Positive
Yes. Negative/negative = positive Postive/Positive = positive Negative/Positive - negative
Negative * positive = negative Positive * positive = positive Negative * negative = positive
A negative divided by a positive is negative. A negative divided by a negative is positive. A positive divided by a positive is positive. A positive divided by a negative is negative.
woodlice show a negatively phototaxtic
Idolize can have both positive and negative connotations. It can be positive when used to show admiration and respect for someone. However, it can be negative when it implies an excessive or uncritical admiration that might lead to unrealistic expectations.
Negatives and Positives Positive + Positive = Positive Negative + Negative = Positive Negative + Positive = Negative Positive + Negative = Negative
a negative x a negative= a positive, a positive x a positive= a positive, a negative x a positive= a negative, and a positive x a negative= a negative. Same thing with division. a negative divided by a negative= a positive, a positive divided by a positive= a positive, a negative divided by a positive= a negative, and a positive divided by a negative is a negative. U see?
positive and a positive is a positive negative and a negative is a positive to answer your question: positive and a negative is a negative.