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Yes. If the lower values tend to be farther below the median than the highest values are above the median, the mean is smaller than the median. why are write wrong

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Q: Can the mean be smaller than the median for a set of data?
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What does the median of a set of data tell you?

The median is the midpoint of the data set. So half the observations are greater than the median and half are smaller.

How come the mean is less than the median?

If the distribution is not symmetric, the mean will be different from the median. A negatively skewed distribution will have a mean hat is smaller than the median, provided it is unimodal.

Can the median ever be higher than the mean?

Yes, the median can be greater than the mean. It just depends on the values of the data. A simple series of 1,5,6 has 5 as the median, with a mean of 4.

When the lower 50 percent of data has greater range the mean will be what to the median?

Whatever you like. The median value for each of the following three sets is 10. For the set {1, 9, 11, 12}. the mean is 8.25, smaller than the median. For the set {1, 9, 15, 15}. the mean is 10, the same as the median. For the set {1, 9, 15, 16}. the mean is 10.25, larger than the median.

How do you calculate mean and Median smaller then Standard deviation?

In the same way that you calculate mean and median that are greater than the standard deviation!

When is the mean less than the median?

When the data distribution is negatively skewed.

What measure of center best represents data?

The answer depends on the type of data. The mean or median are useless if the data are qualitative (categoric): only the mode is any use. The median is better than the mean is the data are very skewed.

What is the significance of the median value for a set of data?

It is halfway along the distribution of set values. There are as many members of the set with values smaller than the median as there are with values bigger than it.

Can a mean average ever be higher than a median average?

Yes. If the predominant data are higher than the median, the mean average will be higher than the median average. For example, the median average of the numbers one through ten is five. The mean average is five and one-half.

Which is larger the mean or the median?

Either one can be larger (or smaller) than the other.

In general the median of a data set is more resistant to outliers than the mean.?

Yes, it is.

What does the median tell you about the data?

The median, by definition, tells you the "half way point" of your data. Exactly half of the observations in the dataset will be less than the median and half will be greater than the median.