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Q: When an observation in a data is abnormally more than and less than the remaining observations in the data does it affect Mean Median Mode?
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How do you find the median of a qualitative ordinal survey?

Order the observations according their ordinal value. If you have an odd number, k, of observations, then the observation is position (k+1)/2 is the median. are lucky, the median is the middle-ranking observation.If you have an even number of observations then the median is the average of the observations ranked k/2 and k/2+1. If you are lucky, both will be the same and so will be the median. Otherwise there may be no reliable measure of the median.

Is the mean influenced more than the median by a few extreme scores at one end of the distribution?

Yes. The mean uses the actual value of each observation. The value(s) of only the middle observation (or pair of middle observations) is required for the median. For all other observations, the median is concerned only with whether it is larger or smaller than it is.

What does outliers mean in math?

An observation that is exceptionally small or exceptionally large in relation to other observations. The term exceptionally may be defined in terms of the median and range of the observations.

What is the medien in a math problem?

There is no such thing as a medien. A median of a set of numbers is the middle value when the numbers are placed in ascending (or descending) order. If there are an odd number [2n - 1 where n is an integer >0], of observations that are ordered, then the median is the nth observation. If there are an even number [2n where n is an integer >0], of observations, then the median is the arithmetic mean (average) of the nth and (n+1)th observations.

What is quartiles in math?

The quartiles for a set of data are three values - the lower quartile, the median and the upper quartile - such that they divide the data set into four parts with an [approximately] equal number of observations in each. Thus:a quarter of all the observations are smaller than the lower quartile,a quarter of all the observations are between the lower quartile and the median,a quarter of all the observations are between the median and the upper quartile, anda quarter of all the observations are greater than the upper quartile.The quartiles for a set of data are three values - the lower quartile, the median and the upper quartile - such that they divide the data set into four parts with an [approximately] equal number of observations in each. Thus:a quarter of all the observations are smaller than the lower quartile,a quarter of all the observations are between the lower quartile and the median,a quarter of all the observations are between the median and the upper quartile, anda quarter of all the observations are greater than the upper quartile.The quartiles for a set of data are three values - the lower quartile, the median and the upper quartile - such that they divide the data set into four parts with an [approximately] equal number of observations in each. Thus:a quarter of all the observations are smaller than the lower quartile,a quarter of all the observations are between the lower quartile and the median,a quarter of all the observations are between the median and the upper quartile, anda quarter of all the observations are greater than the upper quartile.The quartiles for a set of data are three values - the lower quartile, the median and the upper quartile - such that they divide the data set into four parts with an [approximately] equal number of observations in each. Thus:a quarter of all the observations are smaller than the lower quartile,a quarter of all the observations are between the lower quartile and the median,a quarter of all the observations are between the median and the upper quartile, anda quarter of all the observations are greater than the upper quartile.

Related questions

What are the steps for mean median and mode?

Mean = sum of observations/number of observations Median: Order the observations. Of there are an odd number of observations, the median is the middle one. So if there are n observations (where n is odd) then the median is the (n+1)/2 th observation. If n is even, the median is the average of the n/2 th observation and the (n/2 +1) th. Mode: Group the observations. The mode is the value or values that appear the most often. There may be no mode, a single mode or lots of them.

How do you find the median of a qualitative ordinal survey?

Order the observations according their ordinal value. If you have an odd number, k, of observations, then the observation is position (k+1)/2 is the median. are lucky, the median is the middle-ranking observation.If you have an even number of observations then the median is the average of the observations ranked k/2 and k/2+1. If you are lucky, both will be the same and so will be the median. Otherwise there may be no reliable measure of the median.

Is the mean influenced more than the median by a few extreme scores at one end of the distribution?

Yes. The mean uses the actual value of each observation. The value(s) of only the middle observation (or pair of middle observations) is required for the median. For all other observations, the median is concerned only with whether it is larger or smaller than it is.

Median of ungrouped data?

Arrange the values in increasing order. If the number of observations n is odd, the median is n/2+1 st value. n/2 is integer division (ignore the fraction). If there are 5 observations, the median is 5/2+1 = the third observation. If the number of observations is even, median = [ x(n/2)+x(n/2+1)] /2, the average of the two middle values. If there are 10 observations, 10/2 +(10/2+1), the average of the fifth and the sixth observation. The median is such that 50 % of the cases lie below it and 50 % above.

What does outliers mean in math?

An observation that is exceptionally small or exceptionally large in relation to other observations. The term exceptionally may be defined in terms of the median and range of the observations.

What is the medien in a math problem?

There is no such thing as a medien. A median of a set of numbers is the middle value when the numbers are placed in ascending (or descending) order. If there are an odd number [2n - 1 where n is an integer >0], of observations that are ordered, then the median is the nth observation. If there are an even number [2n where n is an integer >0], of observations, then the median is the arithmetic mean (average) of the nth and (n+1)th observations.

How do you find the median 90?

The median of a single observation is the value of that observation. So the median of 90 is 90. Not much point in going to all that trouble, but there you go.

What is another name for the 180 degree median?

In geometry, a median is a straight line joining a vertex of a triangle to the midpoint on the opposite side. Being a straight line there are no angles on it so no 180 deg. In statistics, the median in the value of the middle-ranking observation. So, if there is a set of observations of angles, it is possible that the median is 180 degrees but there is no special name.

How do you program an ungrouped median?

find median of n observation in c program

What does IQR mean in mathematics?

It stands for the Inter-Quartile Range. Given a set of observations, put them in ascending order. The lower quartile (Q1) is the observation such that a quarter of the observations are smaller (and three quarters are at least as large). The upper quartile (Q3) is the observation such that a quarter are larger. [The middle one (Q2) is the median.] Then IQR = Q3 - Q1

The Value which has half of the observations above it and half the observations below it is called?

The value you are referring to is the median. It represents the middle value in a dataset when the values are arranged in ascending or descending order. It divides the dataset into two equal parts, with half of the observations falling above it and half falling below it.

Are half of the observations in an arithmetic mean always larger than the mean?

no -- are you thinking of the median? the mean is just the average for example, in this set 1 4 4 4 5 6 the mean is 4, but one observation is smaller than the average and two observations are larger.