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No. That only works with products.

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Q: Can the sum of the reciprocals of two positives numvers is equal to the reciprocal of their sum?
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Does a reciprocal always equal a whole number?

If you multiply them, reciprocals always equal one.

What happens when you divide reciprocals?

A number divided by its reciprocal is equal to the square of the number.

What is a recipricol?

Reciprocals are numbers that when multiplied together will equal one. 4/5 and 5/4 are reciprocal.

What is a reciprical?

A reciprocal (not reciprical) or multiplicative-inverse is THE relationship between two expressions factored from unity. The product of a reciprocal pair of expressions (quantities or numbers) is equal to 1. For example; 1/5 and 5 are reciprocals of each other, they multiply to equal 1. Zero (zed) does not have a reciprocal.

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negative reciprocal slopes ---> the lines are perpendicular equal slopes ---> the lines are parallel

Are the reciprocals of a ratio equal?

The reciprocal of a number or a fraction is just flipping it...for example, the recip of 3 is 1/3 or the recip of 4/5 is 5/4

What is the product of two numbers that are reciprocals of one another explain why this is always the case?

A fraction multiplied by its reciprocal is always equal to one. This is because the reciprocal is an inversion of the fraction. The denominator of a fraction is the same number as the numerator of the reciprocal, and vice versa. The product of this is a fraction with the same numbers for the denominator and reciprocal, which is also known as an equivalent fraction. Equivalent fractions are always equal to one.

Is the product of the reciprocals of two positive numbers equal to the reciprocal of their product?

Yes. 3 x 4 = 12 1/3 x 1/4 = 1/12

What is receprocal?

The word is actually reciprocal. A number multiplied by it's reciprocal will always equal 1. If you have 46, and multiplied it by 1/46, you will get 1. They are both reciprocals of each other as well. If you multiplied 1/46 by 46, you'd get 1 again. If you have a number x, the reciprocal will always be 1/x.

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What does x times its reciprocal equal?

Any number multiplied by its reciprocal is equal to ' 1 '.

What is the product of a fraction and its reciprocal is always equal to?

It is equal to 1, but not always: the reciprocal must be defined for the equality and the reciprocal is not always defined.