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A number divided by its reciprocal is equal to the square of the number.

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Q: What happens when you divide reciprocals?
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How do you divide fractions without reciprocals?

Using reciprocals, a/b divided by c/d is the same as a/b times d/c. If you multiply this, you get ad/bc.Without thinking about this as reciprocals, you can do this multiplication directly, cross-multiplication so to speak.

Is the sum of the reciprocals 1?

No, the product of reciprocals is 1.

What is the product of two numbers that are opposite reciprocals?

I have a feeling that you wrote "opposite reciprocals"where you only needed to write "reciprocals".Their product is ' 1 '.

What math process uses reciprocals?

When you divide fractions you need to multiply by the reciprocal of the divisor. You would also use it anytime the multiplicative inverse is required.

What is the reciprocals of 3?

1 over three, which is one third -- 1/3

How can you tell if two numbers are reciprocals?

If you multiply two reciprocals, their product must be 1.

What are reciprocals with a product of 1?

Every pair of mutual reciprocals has a product of 1 .

When cells are stimulated to divide what happens?

They divide.

Why are reciprocals important?

Reciprocals are important because they serve as a guideline on how much more you need to get one whole.

What is the average of the reciprocals 2 and 4?

1) Take the reciprocal of each number. 2) Add the results. 3) Divide this last result by 2, since there are two numbers.

What are the two conditional statements from the following Two numbers are reciprocals if and only if their product is 1?

If two numbers are reciprocals, then their product is 1. If the product of two numbers is 1, then they are reciprocals.

What happens when you divide linear functions?

It depends on what you divide them by!