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you can have consecutive even numvers equal 18... 8 + 10

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Q: What consecutive whole numbers total 18?
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If the range is three, then there are four whole numbers involved. The average value of these numbers is 66/4 = 16.5. Because the numbers are consecutive - evenly distributed - 16.5 is actually 'in the middle' of the four. From which we can infer that the numbers in question are 15,16,17 and 18.

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Assuming you mean consecutive numbers, the answer is 5, 6 and 7.

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There is no solution. For X + (X+1) = 18, 2X = 17 and the answer is not an integer. (8.5)---------But for two consecutive even integers equal to 18 :X + (X+2) = 18 , 2X = 16 and the numbers are 8 and 10.

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