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Yes, any positive number is a number that doesn't have a (-) behind it (-20; -23.67; -45.45454...), and is not zero (0).

Any repeating number (see 3rd negative example) is irrational, no matter what its sign. Irrational Numbers also include numbers (decimals, specifically) that don't repeat, but don't stop. Numbers that don't terminate include pi.

Pi, as it is, is proof of a positive irrational number.

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Q: Can we include irrational numbers in the set of positive numbers?
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What is a subsets of the irrational numbers?

One possible set, out of infinitely many, is positive irrational numbers.

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There are infiitelt many subsets of irrational numbers. One possible subset is the set of all positive irrational numbers.

Could the set of rational numbers include all decimals?

No, they could not. Irrational numbers are also decimal numbers.

Is an irrational number a real number?

An irrational number is any real number that cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers.So yes, an irrational number IS a real number.There is also a set of numbers called transcendental numbers, which includes both real and complex/imaginary numbers. Of this set, all the real numbers are irrational numbers.

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The Real numbers

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I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for: Real numbers greater than zero. Includes rational and irrational numbers.

What is the hierarchy chart of real number?

Real numbers consist of rational numbers and Irrational Numbers.The set of irrational numbers is not divided into any coherent subset.The set of rational numbers comprises integers and other rational numbers.The set of integers comprises negative integers and [Peano's] axiomatic integers.The set of axiomatic integers comprises zero and positive integers (counting numbers).

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The set comprised of the square roots of the positive integers between 1 and 20 is.

Why the set of irrational number is denoted by q'?

The set of irrational numbers is NOT denoted by Q.Q denotes the set of rational numbers. The set of irrational numbers is not denoted by any particular letter but by R - Q where R is the set of real numbers.

Family tree of real numbers?

Start with the set of Natural numbers = N.Combine these with negative natural numbers and you get the set of Integers = Z.Combine these with ratios of two integers, the second of which is positive, and you get the set of Rational numbers = Q.Start afresh with numbers which are not rational, nor the roots of finite polynomial equations. This is the set of transcendental numbers.Combine these with the non-rational roots of finite polynomial equations and you have the set of Irrational Numbers.Combine the rational and irrational numbers and you have the set of Real numbers, R.

Is the set of irrational numbers countably infinite?

No. The set of irrational numbers has the same cardinality as the set of real numbers, and so is uncountable.The set of rational numbers is countably infinite.

Is the field irrational numbers complete?

This set cannot be answered since the set of irrational numbers is not a field!