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No. 101 is prime.

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Q: Can you factorise every palindrome with odd number of digits?
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What number is a factor of every palindrome with an even number of digits?


The factor of every palindrome with an even number of digits?

Every palindrome with an even number of digits is divisible by 11. The easiest way to see this is to recall the divisibility rule by 11: if a number X is written as ABCDEFG... (here A,B,C, ... are digits), then it's divisible by 11 if and only if the sum A-B+C-D+E-F+G-... is divisible by 11. In a palindrome with an even number of digits, each digit will appear in an odd position and in an even position, so when we calculate this sum, it will be added once and subtracted once, canceling. Since all the digits cancel, the sum A-B+C-D+... will be 0, which is divisible by 11. So the original number ABCD....DCBA was also divisible by 11.

What is pallendrome in java?

palindrome in every language means same. it means on reversing a number or string, if we get the same number or string as the case may be ,then the number or string is called palindrome. eg: 1221,111,252 or LIRIL,MADAM etc .

What are examples of 3 digit numbers that transform into palindromes?

Any, and every, number can be transformed into a palindrome.

Could you please tell me the Palindrome number checking code?

The most efficient method is to reverse the digits in the number and then check if the reversed number is equal to the original number. In C, we can implement this as follows (using long-hand notation for clarity). Note the use of base (defaulting to base 10) so that we can check values in other bases. bool is_palindrome (unsigned num, unsigned base = 10) { // local variables unsigned rev, digit, digits; // copy the input number digits = num; // initialise the accumulator rev = 0; // repeat while there are digits while (digits) { // extract the low-order digit using modulo (%) operator digit = digit % base; // shift the accumulated digits (if any) one position to the left rev = rev * base; // add on the new digit rev = rev + digit; // shift the remaining digits one position to the right digits = digits / base; } // end while // return true if the number and its reverse are equal return num == rev; }

How do you know if a number is in the 9 times table?

if you add the digits of the number such as 81 8+1=9 every time, the digits of the number will add up to 9

How many digits are there in city union bank account number?

There are 8 digits in a City Union Bank checking account number. Every account will have its own unique number.

How many digits are in a IDBI bank account number?

It depends on the bank, every bank has a diffrent amount of digits in the account.

Is every multiple of 11 palindrome?


What is the largest integer that is not the sum of two or more palindromes?

If you define 1 as a palindrome, then every number greater than one fits that qualification. There is no highest.

Are the digits in pi periodic?

No. Every periodic number is rational but pi is irrational.

The smallest non-palindromic number whose square is a palindrome?

That would be 26 . . . its square is 676.There are two smaller palindromic squares . . . 121 and 484 ... but they're the squares of11 and 22 respectively, which are palindromic, so they flunk the question's specifications.