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Q: Can you group figures into polygons and nonpolygons?
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All polygons are closed figures?

yes polygons are closed figures

Are star shaped figures polygons?

yes, star shaped figures ARE polygons.

Group of polygons that contains squaresrectangles and 4 sided figures without equal sides?


What figures are polygons?

they are circle figures

What figures have perimeters?

All polygons

Which figures have vertices?

Polygons for example

What are the figures are polygons?

Polygons are closed plane shapes bounded by straight lines.

How can polygons be considered a subcategory of two-dimensional figures?

polygons are a subcategoryof two-dimensionalfigures

Which statement is good generalization about all polygons?

Polygons are flat shapes with many sides

What 3D figure have polygons for bases?

Many 3-d figures can have polygons for bases. If all ist faces are polygons then it is a polyhedron but it is possible to have 3-d figures with a polygonal base and non-polygonal faces.

Are quadrilaterals closed figures?

Yes quadrilaterals are 4 sided closed figures or polygons

What are closed figures of a line segment called?
