No because the maximum lines of symmetry a triangle can have is 3 as an equilateral triangle and 1 as an isosceles triangle otherwise a triangle has no lines of symmetry.
Depending on the triangle, there can be 0, 1, or three lines of symmetry. A scalene triangle (all sides of different lengths) will have no lines of symmetry, an isosceles triangle (exactly two sides of the same length) will have one line of symmetry, and an equilateral triangle (all three sides of the same length) will have three lines of symmetry.
An isosceles triangle has 1 lines of symmetry whereas a rhombus has 2; thus the rhombus has more lines of symmetry.
It depends what type of triangle it is. If it is a scalene triangle, ie. a triangle with three different length sides and angles, then it won't have any lines of symmetry. If it's an iscosoles triangle, ie. a triangle with two sides and angles of equal length, it has one line of symmetry, but if it's an equalateral triangle, ie. a triangle with all sides and angles the same, then it has three lines of symmetry.
It depends on the dimensions of the triangle, some have 0, but no triangle will ever have more than 3 lines of symmetry.
A rhombus
Two lines on two sides of a triangle typically indicate that those sides are parallel. This is known as a parallel line relationship. When two lines are parallel, they will never intersect, and they have the same slope. In the context of a triangle, this relationship can help determine other properties of the triangle, such as angles or side lengths.
Yes it is possible. Obtuse means the triangle contains an angle which is greater than 90 degrees, and isosceles means the triangle has two sides of the same length. So to prove this in the easiest way possible, you can make a dot on your page, measure 91 or more degrees and draw two equal length lines out at this angle, then connect these two lines to make an obtuse isosceles triangle.
equilateral triangle, isosceles triangle, and theres more but i forgot.
It will have 3 lines of symmetry if its an equilateral triangle and only 1 line of symmetry if its an isosceles triangle.