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Q: Does a rectangle or a triangle have more lines of symmetry?
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Which shape has more than one line of symmetry?

Many shapes have more than one line of symmetry. These include a rectangle, equilateral triangle, and a square. While a rectangle has two lines of symmetry, an equilateral triangle has three.

Does a square or rectangle has more lines of symmetry?

They both have the same amount of lines of symmetry. * * * * * Not true. A square has four lines of symmetry, a rectangle only two.

Which has more lines of symmetry a square or an rectangle?

All squares are rectangle, but not all rectangles are square. The expected answer is "a square" ... A square has 4 lines of symmetry. A rectangle that is not a square has 2 lines of symmetry. However, the question is ambiguous. Since a square is a rectangle you can say that some rectangles have 4 lines of symmetry. A better question is, "Which has more lines of symmetry; a square, or a rectangle that is not a square?"

Does triangle have more than four symmetry?

No because the maximum lines of symmetry a triangle can have is 3 as an equilateral triangle and 1 as an isosceles triangle otherwise a triangle has no lines of symmetry.

What shape has more lines of symmetry isosceles triangle or rhombus?

An isosceles triangle has 1 lines of symmetry whereas a rhombus has 2; thus the rhombus has more lines of symmetry.

What shapes have 2 or more lines of symmetry?

The best answer is a rectangle

Does a triangle have more than one line of symmetry?

It will have 3 lines of symmetry if its an equilateral triangle and only 1 line of symmetry if its an isosceles triangle.

Why does a square have more lines of symmetry than a rectangle?

The diagonals of a rectangle aren't lines of symmetry unless it's square.

Does a triangle have more than 1 line of symmetry?

Depending on the triangle, there can be 0, 1, or three lines of symmetry. A scalene triangle (all sides of different lengths) will have no lines of symmetry, an isosceles triangle (exactly two sides of the same length) will have one line of symmetry, and an equilateral triangle (all three sides of the same length) will have three lines of symmetry.

Why the square has more lines of symmetry than the rectangle?

They would have the same

Is a regular triangle symmetrical?

No such thing as a regular triangle. You need to be more accurate in your triangular description. Equilateral triangle is symmetric about three lines of symmetry. Isosceles triangle is symmetric one line of symmetry. Right-angled, and Scalene triangles have no lines of symmetry.

Which has more lines of symmetry an isosceles triangle or a rhombus?

A rhombus