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Q: Can you make oobleck into a figure?
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Can you make oobleck out of baby powder?

No. Oobleck is a mixture of corn starch and water.

Can you make oobleck with milk and cream?


What is the test variable for oobleck?

A quick tap on the surface of Oobleck will make it feel hard, because it forces the cornstarch particles.

How much flour do you need to make oobleck?

To make oobleck, you typically need a ratio of 2 parts cornstarch to 1 part water. Flour is not typically used in oobleck.

Where can I find enough information to write a report on oobleck?

You can research the chemicals that make up Oobleck such as Corn Starch, and you can write about those. You can also write about Oobleck's history, because it was invented originally as a fictional green goo by Dr. Suess.

What is the responding variable in oobleck?

The responding variable in an oobleck experiment could be the viscosity or flow behavior of the oobleck when pressure is applied.

Can you make oobleck with baking soda and water?

No, oobleck is typically made with cornstarch and water. Baking soda and water would not create the same non-Newtonian fluid consistency as cornstarch and water.

Is oobleck solid or liquid?

Oobleck is a non-newtonian liquid.

Is oobleck found on the moon?

No, oobleck is a non-Newtonian fluid made from cornstarch and water that is not found naturally on the moon. The surface of the moon does not have the necessary components for oobleck to form.

How would you make oobleck if you don't have cornstarch or tapioca starch?

You would use potato starch and water

Does oobleck work with flour?

No, oobleck is made with a combination of cornstarch and water. Flour and water mixed together would create a paste-like substance, not the same non-Newtonian fluid characteristics as oobleck.

What landuage is oobleck?

Oobleck is a non-Newtonian fluid that behaves like both a liquid and a solid. It is made by mixing cornstarch and water together. Oobleck is often used for science experiments and sensory play.