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Q: Can you make a sentence with plane figure?
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What figure can make in a cartesian plane?


When will a new plane be invented?

when the people figure out how to make one they are working on a new plane right now its very hard to make a plain and figure out how to put it together.

What plane figures can you make if you trace one?

The number of plane figures that can be traced, is that every plane figure can be traced!

What is a plane figure and a solid figure?

A plane figure has 2 dimensions (length & width$ & is represented by a flat surface. It takes 3 noncollinear points to make a plane. A solid figure has 3 dimensions. It not only has length & width but also depth. It takes 4 noncoplaner points to make space

How do you make a sentence with hangar?

The plane is in the hangar.

What is a closed figure in a plane?

plane figure

What plane figure can you make by tracing the base of a cylinder?

A circle.

How do find the area of a plane figure?

Area of plane figure

Is a cube a plane figure or a solid figure?

No it is not a plane but it is a solidfigure

What is a similar plane figure?

It is a figure that is the same as another figure in the plane. A square is the same plane figure as another square, but a cube is same the same plane figure even tho it is made up of 6 squares.

What is a face of a solid figure?

It is usually a plane shape that forms a boundary of the figure..It is usually a plane shape that forms a boundary of the figure..It is usually a plane shape that forms a boundary of the figure..It is usually a plane shape that forms a boundary of the figure..

What are the different of spatial figure to plane figure?

the plane figure has 2 dimension and spatial figure has 3 dimension