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A term by a number is not a problem. 9x multiplied by 3 is (9*3)x, which is 27x

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Q: Can you multiply a term and a number for example 3 multiplied by 9x?
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In mathematics, the term "squared" refers to multiplying a number by itself. For example, if a number x is squared, it is equivalent to x multiplied by x, or x^2. It is a way of indicating that a number is being raised to the power of 2.

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it means the number that lists the number your going to add, subtract ,multiply, divide and so on. EXAMPLE: 1x5, 2x5, and 3x5 1,2,3 are term numbers mostly a term number is on a t chart

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A numeric coefficient is simply a number that is being multiplied by something else. For example, in the term: 3a the number 3 is a numeric coefficient of the term "a". This is just a short way of expressing multiplication. That term means the same thing as: 3 × a