

Can you run 8 miles in 12 minutes?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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No one can run 8 miles in 12 minutes.
The top speed for a human for short distances is 25 miles per hour.
8 miles in 12 minutes is 40 miles per hour.

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Q: Can you run 8 miles in 12 minutes?
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How fast do you have to run to run 1.5 miles in 12 minutes?

Assuming you maintain a constant speed throughout your run, you will need to be running the mile at a pace of 8:00 minutes. So, by dividing 60 minutes by your time of 8 minutes you get 7.5. This means you will have to run a pace of 7.5 mph for 12 minutes to travel 1.5 miles.

How do you figure out how long it takes to run 8 miles at 5 miles per hour?

Here's one way. After the first hour you have gone 5 of the 8 miles so that's 1 hour. Now that leaves just 3 miles to go. If you can run 5 mph in 1 hour then it should take you 12 minutes to run 1 mile (5 * 12 - 60). So, it should take you 1 hour and (3 * 12)36 minutes. Another way. Figure out how long it takes for 1 mile (12 minutes) and multiply that times 8 hours. (8 * 12) = 96minutes = 1 hour and 36 minutes.

How many miles per hour do you have to run to run 1.5 miles in under 12 minutes?

Think about it this way: To go 1.5 miles in 12 minutes, how fast do you need to do each mile? To answer that, divide 12 by 1.5. That would give you 8 minutes per mile. An hour has 60 minutes, so to get the miles per hour you'd have to ask "How many 8 minute miles are there in an hour?" Divide 60 by 8 and you get 7.5 miles per hour. 7.5mph would get you 1.5 miles in 12 minutes. So to get 1.5 miles in UNDER 12 minutes you'd need to go at least a touch faster than 7.5mph. or, as 1 hour = 60 mins We can do it in this way , it take 12 mins to go 1.5 miles then, for 1 min = 1.5/12 for , 60 mins = 1.5*60/12 = 7.5 miles / hr answer : at least 7.5 miles/hour

If you run for 40 minutes at 8 kilometers per hour how many miles is it?

If you run for 40 minutes at 8 kilometers per hour you will cover 3.31 miles.

Is 8 min miles fast for a 5 mile run?

Well, the average is 10 minutes for 1 mile, so... if you take 8 minutes to run 5 miles... That's really fast.

How many miles per hour do you have to run to run 1.5 miles in 8 minutes?

11.25 miles per hour ============= Solution Method: ----------------- There are 60 minutes in 1 hour. We often say there are 60 minutes per hour. We express this relationship mathematically as: 60 min/hr To convert miles/min to miles/hr, do the following: 1.5 miles/8 min * 60 min/1 hr = 1.5 * 60 / 8 = 11.25 miles/hr (average speed) * Note: minutes cancel in the numerator & denominator). ---------------- Original answer: Just over 12 miles per hour.

If I ran for 45 minutes how many miles did I run?

1 7/8

If you run 2 miles in 15 minutes what was your average speed?

8 mph

How fast a mile if you run 7.5?

If you run 7.5 miles per hour, you will run 1 mile in 8 minutes. 60 / 7.5 = 8

How fast do you run if you want to run 12 miles in 1.5 hours?

8 mph.

How fast will you run 8 miles if you ran it in 40 minutes and 32 seconds?

40 minutes and 32 seconds He meant in miles per hour

What is your average speed if you run 1.5 miles in 8 minutes?

Your average speed is 11.25 miles per hour.