Inches per second x 0.0833 = feet per second.
-- to convert the feet to inches, multiply by 12-- to convert the minute to second, divide by 60-- combining these operations, take (feet per minute) and multiply by (12/60) = 0.2
Well, 1 foot = 12 inches, so 12x32=384
Use this formula to convert inches per minute to feet per hour:inches per second x 300 = feet per hour. So: 6 inches per minute x 300 = 1,800 feet per hour
Inches are smaller than feet. It takes 12 of them to make 1 foot. So if you havea length or a distance in feet, you need more inches to make the same distance.
To convert knots to inches per second, use the conversion factor of 1 knot = 1.68781 inches per second. Multiply the speed in knots by this conversion factor to get the equivalent speed in inches per second.
Multiply feet per second by 0.3048 to get meters per second.
into what?
To convert feet per second to meters per hour, you first convert feet to meters by multiplying by 0.3048 and then convert seconds to hours by dividing by 3600. Therefore, 217.65 feet per second is approximately 148.53 meters per hour.
take the inches and divide them by 12 then take the seconds and divide them by 60 then you will have sucessfully converted inches per second to feet per minute. 120inces =10 ft 180 sec= 3 min therefore you r object is traveling at 3.3333 ft. per sec.
598.265769 (cubic feet) per second ==
Use this formula to convert cubic meters per second to cubic feet per second:cubic meters per second x 35.315 = cubic feet per secondSo, 2.334 x 35.315 = 82.42521 cubic feet per second